Baby Plants

Shock came strong yesterday as I Baby Plants One Year Ago, copyright Kim Nixonrealized the passage of time–the plants from a year ago are now full and lush. My book is still not written. As part of my goals for 2008 I am reading the book, Write it Down and Make it Happen by Henriette Anne Klauser who talks about the power of intention. So, I wrote it down, and I’ve committed every Monday for the rest of the year to writing, photography  and forwarding my creative side.

It is great to be working two jobs and creating abundance but I must also trust in my skills as artist and that one day I will be supporting myself in pursuits of a different manner.

I have added a movie to my list as well, The Bucket List by director/produce Rob Reiner. I have only seen the previews but I like the concept of a list of grand accomplishments to complete before I kick the bucket. If you Facebook, you can add an application from the Movie site, your own Bucket List to share with friends. In Henriette’s book she talks about making a list no matter how grand the idea and uses the example of a coach at Notre Dame University who did the same, remarkably he has completed many of the itmes he thought outlandish and impossible as a young man. It is amazing what providence brings to those writing with intention.

What is on your Bucket List? What are you growing? What shall the universe help bring forward for you? Leave me a comment and let’s talk about how to support each other in our pursuits.

About kimofthenorth

Upper Peninsula Michigan Artist and Writer

Posted on January 23, 2008, in Holistic Health and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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