Monthly Archives: April 2009

More Water Worlds

Spring Orange Before Rain, photo by Kim Nixon

This photo was taken beside Songbird Trail next to the Delta in Marquette, Michigan. If you can identify the bush please let me know by commenting below.

Water Worlds

Lone Waddler, photocopyright Kim Nixon

Chocolay Stepper, photo copyright Kim Nixon

Riverbank walking on Tuesday after work took me to the Chocolay. Sunday, when Mike and I drove past on the way to an elk dinner, we had noticed the river cresting in the parking lot near the handicap fishing access. The waters on Tuesday were receding.

April’s Blue Blooms

Grape Hyacinth with Bee (closer), photo copyright Kim Nixon

Spring Flower, photocopyright Kim Nixon

Recovery Mode

Gold Leaf in BW, copyright Kim Nixon

You can only do so much and if fatigue is effecting your day keep your to-do list small. Don’t cut out playing with photos as they help your soul heal. I was drawn outside (before work) by a gold leaf wet and dangling from unkempt roses from last season. Tonight I played with the image in Photoshop. For the full size images check-out the GoldLeaf Set at Flickr, which includes six differing images all of the same capture.

Gold Leaf Yellowed, copyright Kim Nixon

Day Two Spring Snows

This bird is thinkin' I need a plow, photo by Kim Nixon

I am very behind with creative projects, articles, and even self-care. Nothing like a two day snow storm to throw everything off track! For more winter shots visit:

April 20 Snowstorm, Marquette Michigan

photo copyright Kim Nixon

photo copyright Kim Nixon

photo copyright Kim Nixon

Postcards–Man on Bench


The Man on Bench postcards have been ordered. You can own a Kim Nixon original photo. This photo has been chosen to appear in an exhibit entitled, “North of the 45th” and will appear at the DeVos Museum on the Northern Michigan University campus May 25-July 3rd. The closing reception is the nite of July 3rd. But you can help the artist (me) defray framing costs by ordering a postcard of this image for a 10.00 donation. Mail check and address you would like image sent; image will be mailed in an envelope and sent 1st class mail. Send your info to Kim Nixon, 426 Craig Street, Marquette MI 49855.  Email Kim with questions.

National Poetry Month–Poetry in Their Voice, a Project

Haiku in Mother’s Voice

While I plant pansies
She dances round the plum tree
Floating in blossoms.

Weeding the bean rows
I guide the tiny tan hands
To nurture wild growth.

She grows like thistle
Flies like goldfinch and perches
Gently on my lap.

~poems by Kim Nixon

National Poetry Moth–Poems in Their Voice, a Project


At my desk she sits
Propped upon two telephone books
Pounding the Underwood’s keys.

“Momma I wrote a story.
Can I read it to you?”

No, I need to add these numbers.

Later, I find her in the backroom
Sitting in curls of paper
Drawing twos and threes.

~poem copyright Kim Nixon

from the Black and White Composition Book

Today I am starting a new Black and White Composition Book and will be reconnecting to my writer-self. Some of this will be memoir, some poetry, or perhaps just random phrases and words that are pretty. I will also be doing a series of Tweets on Twitter from “the B/W Comp. Bk.”

  • Each season I’d gather what I could only to be blown again and again each storm my injury greater, hopes faded like a pressed flower.
  • I needed to stop cringing at who I’d become. Look at me, accept me without this how could I present myself as a creator of beauty. How could I talk about injury and healing if I hated my own image.
  • In search of new vibrancy, I often ignored healing and would jump head-first into ecstasy. Always came the surprise at the new injury and how I felt empty and tattered.