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Wishcasting Wednesday: What Do You Wish to Work On?

Kim Nixon Photography

Kim Nixon Photography

I wish to work under old growth hemlocks in nature with my camera, recording the health of woods and waters.

I wish to work on community, local food issues, and help people find better health.

I want to work on connections and increase my commitment.

I want to transcend past fear and worry of inadequacy.

I wish to create a job that fits my lifestyle, rather than having to fit my life to my job.

You too can be a Wishcaster by joining others at Jamie Ridler’s website!

WishCasting Wednesday–What do I wish to experience?

I want to peel back the layers and experience the joy and abundance of a life that is sustainable and joyful.

I’ve been working in a place that feels, negative. I want the ability to support myself in a joyous, healthy atmosphere where I can grow and be respected as a professional. This could manifest as a new position, or running my own business.

I believe it is possible to support my financial needs and have joy. To look with beauty on the world and to surround myself with positive people who believe in the ideals I support.

So be it. I have dreamed it!

What do you wish to experience?

You can be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes by visiting Jamie Ridler, here!

Wishcasting Wednesday + International Soul Art Day

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Wishcasting Wednesday with Jamie Ridler asks us, “What do you wish to jump into?” Oh how I LOVE the question, for on Wishcasting Wednesday I had  jumped into International Soul Art Day. A restless night waking at 5 a.m., followed a 9-hour day at work with no lunch, picking up my framing for a gallery hanging later this week, and I still committed to take part. So at 7:30 p.m., I began with the thought of the light beyond an image in a photograph. That we are all energy. That I need healing. And also staying mindful of my preparation for the Reiki course I’m taking part in later this month.

I knew I would map my hands or feet. I meditated and set my hands to the drawing pad and my head followed.

I want to jump into Art and Healing and the belief that my creativity will sustain the life I choose.

Wishcasting Wednesday–Fierce

Deyoungs Family Zoo~Photographer Kim Nixon

“Where do you wish to be fierce?” Asks Jamie Ridler at Jamie Ridler Studios.

Mike and I planned his birthday trip last year and it was to be two-nights away from home, a trip to Deyoungs Family Zoo and a photo journey.

One of the days, I fell ill with Celiac related symptoms and had to lay upon a picnic table staring at the sky while he took photos and I pretended to be “just fine” as not to ruin his good time. It was wonderful. Seriously. I did not need to go back to the hotel. Laying on the picnic table with the sounds of lions and tigers roaring was exotic. But, yes, I was disappointed. Here I was in photographer heaven, too ill to play. But I’m always look for the silver lining. The hope. The light. The next breath where everything can change as we exhale.

My symptoms cleared and in the evening we went exploring and I found inspiration in new landscapes on the Menominee River. We decided to go back to Deyoungs the next day. I was learning to take what the creator gives me and persevere.

Menominee River Mystery-Boat ~ Photographer Kim Nixon

The coping skills learned on our vacation offered hints of where to go next in my life’s journey. They’ve been whispering in my ear ever since. At time I was afraid to listen. And so it has taken nearly a year for me to take serious actions toward a different future. I’m not being hard on myself. I was nurturing and mending my body and soul. Suckling dreams. So they can grow!

Snow Mercat ~ Photographer Kim Nixon

Where do you wish to be FIERCE? I will be fierce as I shift and change, create and live the life I deserve. I will use my talents to help others. I will look at my world with creative eyes. I will nourish and heal my body. I will share the wildness I see as photographer.

Wishcasting Wednesday–How do you wish to spend your time?

This is a photo from my backyard. I returned home from a day of facing-up to things. And I was still mulling over the question from Wednesday and I was disappointed for not accomplishing my Wishcasting Wednesday post.

I decided to make a post on Thursday, as I make necessary changes in my daily life the question of How do you wish to spend your time? is very pertinent. Pertinent and yet, frightful.

I was worried that if I am frightened how do I achieve abundant thinking? How do I make that energetic shift?

I needed hope after my physical therapist gave me the latest news which included–don’t practice yoga for a bit. No twists, No forward bends. No stretching. And sit with a lumbar pillow.

Facebook Status I

Bolstering Hope–the theme of my day as I face the challenges of my life/style. Bought myself carnations on clearance. Found a wonderful scarf at Goodwill. Counted change for a latte. Went to physical therapy. Documented on documents and set appointments to ensure a healthy future. Talked with artists, friends, and worked on building a supportive network. I am a strong person and I can rise to any challenge. And, yes, the tropical aroma of the carnations help ;-)

Facebook Status II

Planning brings certain words to mind: Positive. Social. Spirit-based. Energetic. Balanced. Service. Healing. Smiles. Assist. Beauty. Fresh. Natural. Organic. Warm. Eco-Conscious. Love. Light. Fit. Supportive.

But the big question still looms!

How do you wish to spend my time?

  • I’d like to read for long periods of time.
  • I’d like to take photos and publish them frequently.
  • I’d like to write articles and get back to journaling.
  • I’d like to heal my injuries and feel confident enough to retrain for a career.

There are many ways I wish to spend my time. Tonight, I’m going to finish some chores and return to daily journaling.

Join Jamie Ridler and her followers in WishcastingWednesday!

Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish to attract?

On this Wednesday Jamie Ridler asks her viewers, “What do you wish to attract?

And I joyously cheer …



S-U-S-T-A-I-N-A-B-L-E Living!


It is a leap year month, and there is something about the 29-days in February that inspires me to break out of the norm and shake-up my existence with a little extra creative movement.

In February, I seek color. Blue Ice. Blue Sky. Pink Hearts. Brilliant orange of sunrise. Floating waves of the Northern Lights. A barn with billowing snow drifts and crisp sky on a country road.

Today, I stopped by the Zero Degree Artist Gallery on 3rd Street in Marquette, Michigan. I wanted to treat myself to some local art and buy a couple of gifts for Valentine’s Day. I am a participating artist at Zero Degrees and I really enjoy the space. Each artist brings a unique vision.

One of the changes I want to manifest this year is more art in my life! More time to develop art, learn new mediums, expand my knowledge of photography, and add new products. I want to pop off the 2D-Land of wall-art and  into objects with purpose and play.

Artist Melissa Hronkin

I want to become sustainable, work for myself, increase my abundance and livelihood with my own joyful pursuits.

Today I was inspired by Melissa Hronkin and her “Bee the Change” shirts. I’ve been meaning to purchase one. I like having positive mantras and focal points in my surroundings and on my being.

Melissa is a wonderful artist and works with beeswax as both a bee-keeper and artist. She does wonderful encaustic art, greeting cards, re-purposed tee-shirts and more.

Bee the Change!

I have been trying to hop outta my box like it is a bad-thing, this box=bad box? But then inspired by Melissa I began to think of my box as a hive. Where my mind has been busy. Working. Forming, sweetness.

Stay tuned as I take flight and share sweetness!

Artist Melissa Hronkin

Wishcasting Wednesday: Health & Wellness

Each Wednesday, I participate in a gathering of women who believe in making wishes and taking steps to achieve their desires. This week Jamie asks, What do you wish for your health & wellness?

I’ve set many goals and some I feel were such a stretch that I cannot possible make it to the goal. I want to believe. But I have fears that I cannot physically get there with my body, health, and my “diagnosis.”

I start to feel strong and then another setback comes in, and another. And the hurdles seem taller and taller.

Within the space of 5-days I was glutened twice (Celiac). I missed a week of exercise and a week of physical therapy. The arthritis in the ball of my right foot screams at me as I change my footfalls to a forefoot landing (heel striker). My knee and hip feel strong running 1 mile.

My goal is to run 13.1 miles on Grand Island. I need to register for the event. I need to do so, now.

I worry what people think. I worry what I think. I worry that I may be throwing my entry fee and an extra ferry pass out the window. (want Mike to come with me)

I try to bolster my faith and my self-esteem by saying the woman in the picture who is smiling ran a 10K (1 day prior) on a tough and highly technical trail. That the woman was once afraid of heights and is in a lighthouse, outside, high-up, leaning on the railing with wind blowing. That woman ran a race with a taped-knee and then hiked waterfalls going down stairs backwards (knee pain after race) because she is determined to enjoy life.

Today, (6-months after the photo was taken) I look in the mirror and I am fearful.

I want courage. I need stamina. I need to eat clean. Drop 10-20 pounds. I need to take my recovery seriously. I need to run that race. I will run that race. I will run that race. I will run that race.

My wish is that I continue to grow strong in body, mind and spirit so I can reach for my dreams and goals.

Wishcasting Wednesday: what wish do you hear?

This week on Wishcating Wednesday with Jamie Ridler she asks, “If you listen closely, what wish do you hear?”

January 18th is my birthday, or as one of my friends said today the day my body met my soul. I turned 48 years-young today. And I started this new year trying to refocus on me, honoring my health, and recomitting to changing my life path. I want to focus more on the creative aspects of my life.

I did not plan anything for this day and what pulled me the most was my camera and the out-of-doors. I am drawn by textures and lines. A certain angle of light that offers hope and a sense of healing.

I took 5-days off work to listen to my soul. To follow inspiration. Clear clutter. Welcome what unfolds. And today I walked on a path with no footsteps. Just paw-prints from a squirrel.

On Monday night, I attened my first formal meditation class. I have decided to take my focus inward. To silence the mind that jumps a subject a second and s-l-o-w-d-o-w-n.

I wish to heal my body, mind, and rejoin my soul with purpose.

I wish to build a life of healing, inspiring others, and connect with the natural world.

Wishcating Wednesday–Who do you wish to have tea with?

Tea Cups at the Butler Theatre, Ishpeming Michigan

Who do you wish to have tea with?

I used to work at the Marquette Food Cooperative in Marquette, Michigan and Michael Hainstock (the Younger) used to be in charge of stocking the bulk tea herbs. Michael was very into learning about the herbs and blending them to suit your needs. I was working both as a grocery and produce worker. Working with produce can be chilling work and a mug of tea served in one of Ryan Dalman’s mugs was perfect to keep me healthy and warm.

Michael the Younger and I would hike and look for sources of herbs. His father’s garage was filled with drying herbs. There were mason jars everywhere. If someone at home started to get the sniffles Michael would steep herbs strong. Tea balls, muslim bags, tea presses. I learned tea is not just a dainty thing in pretty delicate tea cups. Tea can be a “spell” brewed for a purpose.

I fell in love with Michael’s father Mike the Elder. And then Michael the Younger fell in love with Beth Millner who is a silversmith and jewelry artist. They now have a hobby farm in Marquette Township called Badger Creek Farm. I miss hiking with Michael the Younger and I miss his tea (smile). Being family we ought to have more time together.

My wish is for me to get my butt out to the farm and have tea with Michael the Younger.

You can join Jamie Ridler and others to be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes. It’s easy. Answer the wish prompt above on your blog and then add a direct link to your post in the box below. Support wishes by visiting other participants, leaving a comment saying “As (insert name) wishes for her/himself, so I wish for her/him also.” It’s that simple. There is great power in wishing together.

Wishcasting: What guidance do you wish for?

Last weekend I was able to get close enough to the Great Blue Heron. I believe he appeared to remind me that through nature I will find answers. I am trying to relieve tension and panic. May my guides lead me back to a path of whole health and assist me in my pursuit of abundance.

Join Jamie and Friends for Wishcasting Wednesday!