Category Archives: Woods and Water

Magic Froth

On my last day off work for the next 13 days, I headed out to the woods, driving far to avoid the crowds at popular locations in Marquette, Michigan. I found myself at the Yellow Dog Falls out on County Road 510. I needed to reconnect to the energy of the earth and believe in the magic that shapes and shifts thru our days.

I thank all those who have visited this blog recently and for the kind and supportive comments. I feel neglectful for not having more time in the day to visit all of your blogs–but the day will come where time is abundant and self-directed. I feel the energy you’ve shared and my heart is grateful.


Staying Fully Charged

Being an artist with a full-time day-job is a challenge. Finding the time to make the “dream” a reality means carving out time and energy. Having a day-planner and a big pad of sketch paper helps me to maintain focus. On Monday’s I review the week, plan for recharging and nourishing of my mind and body, and add at least one must-do for the week. That must-do item is a task that will move my photography forward such as order photos, business cards, or look for exhibitions in which to submit my photography. We’ll talk more about must-do motions in a coming blog post, for now let’s discuss staying fully charged.

In my current job, I rarely work a 5-day workweek followed by a weekend; getting two-days off in a row can be a challenge. To stay full-charged means dipping into the well for a refreshing drink each day. It keeps me creative.

After a particular stressful 4-day work stretch I needed to let go of some negative energy, and creating is a great release. I came home to gear-up for a photo-walk and almost gave in to the pull of the couch, but I put on an extra layer of clothing, my boots, and headed out to a world of white.

Dead River, Forestville ~ Photographer Kim Nixon

I often find putting my feet upon the earth and following my intuition starts a healing conversation. Maybe this is some Yoda-like energy charge, like The Force in Star Wars. Regardless, some connection is achieved, and usually a few worthy photos are captured in the process.

How do you stay full-charged? Please share a comment.

Movements–Meditation with Trees

Self Portrait -- Meditation with Trees

November, and I’ve dedicated myself to movement, art and meditation. This intent has brought me great blessings. Today three eagles flew over head talking to each other as they rode the wind. I hiked the Olympic Trail in Al Quaal Recreation area with my camera and with my MagicMan, Mike.

Earlier on Saturday I had taken a workshop that went over Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine techniques. The class was with Jennifer Silverston of Marquette and the class was held at the Marquette Arts and Cultural Center.

This week, as I create movement and new energy patterns in my life, I will be doing Yoga, QiGong, Energy medicine techniques and clearing more clutter from my home. I will also be working at the Zero Degrees Artist Gallery on Friday November 11th from 5-8pm and Saturday from 9-12pm. If you are local to the Marquette area I hope you will come in to the gallery to chat.

I’m looking forward to the coming week. I hope yours promises much healing and fulfillment, too!

Getting Some Summer (Before Work) Day One

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Middle Management is Challenging and carving out mindspace is the project of the week. No stress or less stress. So, I’m rewarding myself with a romance novel (I never read romance but it came highly recommended) and trips to the beach. Tuesday, July 5th 2011 was Day One. I visted Picnic Rocks Beach in Marquette, Michigan. The day after the Fourth of July saw only a handful of people, some tourists with questions and 30 minutes of sun before workign the 3-11pm shift.

Fairylands and Forty-Seven

Photo by Mike Hainstock

I’m blessed to live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and to have The Wilds so readily at hand. Saturday I worked a 3pm to 11pm shift followed by the morning shift on Sunday 7am-3pm. I only managed 4 hours of sleep between the shifts. I think I surprised Mike when I came home and said, “Grab your camera–let’s go!”. So Sunday, around 4pm we headed out, guided by our intuition, and landed down a gorge near a waterfall in Fairyland where I fell in love with this tree. I could have taken a nap and listen to it whisper secrets!

Photo by Kim Nixon

Sunshine is like the equivalent to “the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down” allowing me to sing in the face of negativity and danger! And I’ve been focussing on spreading joy and disconnecting from the negative that tries to swamp us down. Imaging and Imagining the life I want to lead is key!

Photo by Kim Nixon

Blossoming and branching and keeping that sense of discovery is important. What will sparkle in the sunlight under trees near flowing waters? You’ll never know unless you venture down into the gorge. Facing fears and trying new things isn’t so bad. The last time Mike and I visited this particular bend in the Carp River I was very afraid to walk over a log bridge. My fear of heights and falling so irrational. The creek is really only a foot or so deep, come on fall in I dare ya! (I can laugh now). I walked over it twice with ease on Sunday. Magical!

Photo by Kim Nixon

I am forty-seven and it is a magical age. I’ve having another spring and I can unfold, blossom, soak in sun, and enjoy the wind. I’m going to grow, heal, learn. I feel like singing often. I listen to my intuition and I can hear the little magical beings of the deep forest calling.

Self Reflections on the Dead River

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Dead River I-IV

(all rights reserved)

Part One: An evening with Mike on the Dead River Basin had me reflecting. I was thinking of May Erlewine, her music, her lyrics, her voice, and how I needed to be lulled by eddies. I was entranced by the surface tension of the water. The thickness of the water. Viscosity. The reflections of forest and sky. Upsides. Downsides. And how needy I have felt the last few days.

Chocolay Willow

Chocolay River Willow with Bridge
The April 30-Day Project–Day 7

After working at Zero Degrees Artist Gallery, Mike and I went for a walk from the Marquette Visitor Center up the beach to the Chocolay. We then walked up river from the mouth. And there “She” was, my willow. I had been looking for the perfect willow shot. The last month or so I’ve watched the willows turn brighter, more yellow, preparing for spring.

Calling all Creative Thinkers!

Super Moon, Marquette Michigan

I need to get serious about bills, about getting a Big Girl Camera, and developing the online creative biz of my dreams. But how? How to create the funds I need. Find the time I need? (Explanation: As I am working a full-time job) (Explanation #2: And I have to cook all my meals do to my food avoidances).

Over the coming weeks we will explore, ways to progress!

Good progress has been made over the past couple months. Let’s boost self-confidence with the List Factor.

  1. I’m an artist at Zero Degrees Artist Cooperative.
  2. I also have work hanging in the Huron Gallery at the Peter White Library.
  3. I will have work hanging at the Peter White again in April/May.
  4. I met with an accountant to check my tax status perosnally and professionaly.
  5. Paid off two credit cards.

Great, pat self on back.  (pat, pat, pat)

Move forward!

How to develop additional incoming funds? To pay off medical debt. AND purchase new equipment? AHA! I need ideas, gimmicks, and get rich quick schemes (that work).

Photo: I went Super Moon hunting with life-partner Mike Hainstock who took this photo. I was again reminded of my camera’s limits. I use a Canon s5 IS and long for a full DSLR. I used some “actions” to create the photo above which to me looks like a spooky scene from a movie, a painting, but not what I wanted to take that night. I long to do thing like this.

Getting the Shot!

Photo by Mike Hainstock ~ Kim, Behind Scott Falls

I crawl behind frozen waterfalls! The rush of the water sounding like water left on in an overflowing cast iron bathtub with claw-feet. The water spilling over and down into the first floor flat. You could see water moving in the ice. I felt very alive!

Oh, and BTW Mike is behind the same waterfall. Crawling in the cave spaces!

The waterfall is Scott Falls just past the Autrain Bridge in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. See the photo of the falls in summer (also from behind the falls looking out). This photo is available framed at Zero Degrees Artist Cooperative in 8×10 metallic print.


Photo by Kim Nixon ~ As Dreamt

Giving Winter Notice at Eben Ice Caves

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Giving Winter Notice at Eben Ice Caves was the Superiorland Photography Club and I was on board, as well. I hiked in wearing Keen boots and YakTrax but switched to my Brooks Trail Runners and STABILicers to handle the ice and the interior sections of the cave. I went a little wild in the winter woods and even jogged parts of the trail. I crawled into tiny caves and my feet stuck out. I lay in snow taking macros. I played with flashes with my MagicMan; check out his slideshow here. It was the most creative effort all week and I am proud of my Eben Ice Caves Flickr Set.