Category Archives: Month of Movement

Developing a Movement Practice

This month I will be participating with others as they develop a Movement Practice. Encouraged by Jame Ridler of Jamie Ridler Studios, we will receive inspiration and prompts via FaceBook and Twitter.

30 Days in November! What will they look like? I’ve been working during the month of October on moving stagnant energy out of my life. Creating Flow! Connecting with my deeper stories! And I’ve made some great progress and it feels so wonderful.

Deep Breath…Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh…

Yet I still have some pain issues to address and I want to build upon the momentum I created in October, so this month of movement will be a wonderful wave of energy.

I tend to take on work-outs that kick my butt. I run 10K races. I run down mountains. I over-do and go to excess. For my Month of Movement I want to work on healing. I want consistency. I want to create daily rituals. I’m thinking my month will include some of the following:

  • Yoga
  • Breathing
  • Dancing
  • Walks
  • Swims
  • Tai Chi
  • Qigong

I promise to journal along the way, post with others on Jamie’s Facebook page, and take a few photos too!