Category Archives: Travel

Another World

Like the title of a daytime soap opera, the pace of our lives leaves us wishing for Another World. Maybe a nap won’t do. You just cannot find a novel to curl up with. Time on a swing in the breeze near grapevines and blackberry brambles just isn’t “out there” enough. You need to feel something other than your current world, your accessible world, you need to get way out there.

I’ve been pushing it kinda hard. I cannot seem to slow down. I keep cramming work on top of work when all I want to do is run away. I want to be nurtured. I need a 45-hour massage to overcome the stresses I am putting on myself. The swing, and breeze, a nap and a book…umm nope.

A drive in the country to see animals that look like they are from another planet. Yes! Kind. Soft. So odd, they make you laugh. Gentle. And the farm has the magical name, Avalon.

Alpacas hint of familiar mixed with exotic. They make you reach out. I think they communicate like whales or like elephants. I heard a whispering tickling my brain somewhere deep. My dreams since that day are vivid and rich, long stories that continue and return.

My Magic Man took the wheel driving us out to Skandia. We took the long way home. I got to drive past chapters in my life that have closed. I got to look over ridges of fall colors to see what might arrive on a train. I took in the landscapes.

Now some of you may be cynical, and think I know what is coming–SNOW! And you would be right, snow is coming to the upper peninsula very soon. But I am also hoping that change is coming to better, me. To better my health. To get me back to work that is creatively centered and balanced.

Remember change is around you! And one single act of acceptance or open-ness may bring new opportunities.

I can get up, but not down (easily)

Point Iroquois Light, Spiral Stairs (Bay Mills, Michigan)

I can get up (if I don’t look down). I can spiral to great heights (if I don’t look down). I can even with some courage wiggle up thru a portal door with low head clearance and come up, rise up, to the view. To the miracle of distance, heighten perspectives and even perceptions. But down? I cannot go back down. I struggle and clench the ice-cold cast iron and brass railings (with both fists) until the cold hurts my hands and I find a mantra. “This is an irrational fear. . .This is an irrational fear. . .This is an irrational fear.” Until I am down and out and breathing the warm air outside the lighthouse tower.

You can read more on the Point Iroquois Light here.

Park Benches in Green


These park benches are within the viewing area of the Sault Locks. Mike and I were waiting for a freighter to enter the locks and I was poking around at the other “unseen” images around me. I framed this photo up due to the empty and waiting aspect and the tall tree behind. What do I mean by the empty and waiting aspect? This bench is expecting visitors. The scene wants to unfold and offer something to a visitor. The backdrop with the arms of the tree embracing. I think I stopped to take the low perspective not just to get the full effect of the tree but thinking of the weary tourist, needing to rest their feet. Needing to plant their bum on a bench and the sigh I can imagine they let loose as young children run around and they rest. It is not tourist season yet in Sault Saint Marie, but it is coming. Perhaps this bench is happy to be empty, for a while longer.

Getting Outta Town

Munising Tree, taken on April road trip to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan

There is no time to write, now. But I am getting fresh perspectives while travelling. I am excited about change. I am embracing the future.

9/21–Preparations & Departures


(This print is available in 4×6, 5×7 and 8×10)

Today was all about what would happen at the end of my work-shift–VACATION! I am taking 4 days. The last time we traveled to the west end of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Mike and I took photos in the Porcupine Mountains. One of those photos is my most often sold item, it has the highest hits to my website, and has become my signature photo, “Mist Woods.”

I went to Balanced Bodies for physical therapy at 7:45 a.m. and had Jeannie Wagner teach me how to “tape” my shoulder with KinseoTape. I also purchased some BioFreeze in a roll on applicator for Mike’s back. I prefer oils of my own making, but this BioFreeze will pack well on the trail.

My hours for the week are submitted. My end of the month paperwork is in. All that is left is to buy ice for the cooler and visit the bank on the way outta town.

The laptop is coming but I do not expect Internet where we’re going. Basically it is coming along (the laptop) just in case my camera’s memory cards become full (I am taking an 8 and 4 gig). So the next, posts on my 21-day Promise will have to be scrolled into a travel journal with ink-pen.

Today, I owned my morning. I prepped. I ate healthy. I was very hopeful.

Island Life


This was taken on Presque Isle, the sunset on Saturday had the island very busy. Folks were jumping and diving off Black Rocks, picnicking and biking. Some people, like Mike and I were taking photos. This was the same island I was running at 8:30 a.m. (photo taken at 8:02 p.m.).

Presque Isle is one of Marquette’s Gems. This city utilizes it’s waterfront and bike trails. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such beauty. Even when it is in close proximity to power plants. This is the Wisconsin Energy Plant at Presque Isle. The WE Energy plant. Some of you might recall on the other side of town is the Shiras Steam Plant. Both are coal powered and the Great Lake barges and freighters supply Marquette with coal. The WE Energy plant also utilizes some hydro-electric, I think. I live a few blocks from the Shiras Steam Plant. I keep hoping wind power will come to Marquette.


Sunday Hikes–Tyoga Historical Pathway




Today Mike and I hiked the Tyoga Historical Pathway  (1.4 miles) and we had fun putting berries in odd juxtaposition with various fungi on the path. I was excited to find my first Indian Pipe Plants. We saw bear scat and heard baby birds of prey, hawk or eagles, not sure which. Dragonflies darted about and of course mosquitoes! The trail was wet in places but very well maintained with many interpretive signs and tags identifying trees. This would be a great hike with children or grandchildren (age 8 and up).

Can you feel the potential…?

Fern Curl, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, May 2009.

Still Processing Digi-Captures from Trip


Memorial Day weekend, Mike and I headed to Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore and I’m still processing some of the 1960 digi-captures. It was a trip of freezing cold nights some where we did not return from trails until close to midnight after riding 25 miles on EMPTY hoping gas stations were open in Grand Marais. Trillium blanketed hillsides. We hiked 20 plus trail miles in 3 days. The photo above is the backseat of our Blazer and it has notes (at Flickr) so you can view each item and what importance it might have. The photo below is a self portrait of me in the door of the West Bay Diner. We ate there on the way home. It was heavenly–I ordered the steak sandwich with grilled veggies and fries–it came with a malt in my choice of flavors, too! Be sure to check out the Flickr set of our trip for everything from super-macros on the forest floor to dune and beach vistas.


Like Parchment


To me, images are like writing. A photo a piece of parchment on which cherished things are recorded. This image is from my Memorial Day trip to Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. The delicateness touched me. And, tonight, as I listen to Barack Obama, our Nation’s President talk about family and his job, I feel quieted. For now I see hope again after a somewhat dark day.

You see I was feeling down. Scared over money. Wanting so much.

But I was reminded by our President, my partner Mike, and Leon Katona, that I have so many reasons to be thankful and grateful.

From FaceBook:

Kim Nixon Okay, it’s time to list my gratitudes cause I was gettin’ a bit too f-in murky (feel free to add your gratitudes as comments).6:28pm

Kim Nixon at 6:30pm June 3
I am grateful for the greater range of motion in my shoulder. I am grateful for my sparkler. I’m grateful for the iris, lilac, apple blossom, and the sail boats headed out on Wednesdays. I’m grateful for the dinner invite on Tuesday (my daughter’s home).

Kim Nixon at 6:33pm June 3
Kim is grateful for her job, the people she gets to care for and their families.

Leon Katona at 6:36pm June 3
I’m thankful that I got to see your work at the DeVos the other day! AND that when I went to Peter White I picked up a copy of “Health and Happiness” and saw that you had an article in it!! =]

Kim Nixon at 6:38pm June 3
Kim is grateful for her ability to lose weight and her recent successes. And also for the leftovers in the fridge.

Kim Nixon at 7:53pm June 3
Holy crap–Leon you just made my day!! :-) There are two of my articles in H&H. Okay I cannot feel down on myself right now.

Leon Katona at 9:06pm June 3
I loved your self-image and healing article. I think it really shows that you’ve become more comfortable by submitting that piece. Really lovely work.

Kim Nixon at 10:12pm June 3
Okay…wow…it’s true so much is changing, has changed. Sometimes it is hard to remember even recent positive changes.