Category Archives: Promises

Another World

Like the title of a daytime soap opera, the pace of our lives leaves us wishing for Another World. Maybe a nap won’t do. You just cannot find a novel to curl up with. Time on a swing in the breeze near grapevines and blackberry brambles just isn’t “out there” enough. You need to feel something other than your current world, your accessible world, you need to get way out there.

I’ve been pushing it kinda hard. I cannot seem to slow down. I keep cramming work on top of work when all I want to do is run away. I want to be nurtured. I need a 45-hour massage to overcome the stresses I am putting on myself. The swing, and breeze, a nap and a book…umm nope.

A drive in the country to see animals that look like they are from another planet. Yes! Kind. Soft. So odd, they make you laugh. Gentle. And the farm has the magical name, Avalon.

Alpacas hint of familiar mixed with exotic. They make you reach out. I think they communicate like whales or like elephants. I heard a whispering tickling my brain somewhere deep. My dreams since that day are vivid and rich, long stories that continue and return.

My Magic Man took the wheel driving us out to Skandia. We took the long way home. I got to drive past chapters in my life that have closed. I got to look over ridges of fall colors to see what might arrive on a train. I took in the landscapes.

Now some of you may be cynical, and think I know what is coming–SNOW! And you would be right, snow is coming to the upper peninsula very soon. But I am also hoping that change is coming to better, me. To better my health. To get me back to work that is creatively centered and balanced.

Remember change is around you! And one single act of acceptance or open-ness may bring new opportunities.

Promises as I head into the weekend…


My promise as I head into the weekend is to remember my goals not matter how unattainable they might seem. The photo above is from a building awaiting renovation in Wakefield. You can visit the photo set at my flickr account. This project looks to have stalled.

I have been aware that the end of the year is coming and some of my projects are unfinished, some are not yet in motion. But the one that I have had the most success with is losing weight. My Bucket List had a goal to lose 30 pounds and keep it off. I am now at 46 pounds down.

I will be kind to myself this weekend. Rest. Eat well. Do my PT exercises and drink water. I am approaching the end of my 21-day Promise to take ownership of my day in the mornings. I feel more centered and balanced and like I run my life.

The List

17/21 Friday–Attended my physical therapy appointment, round up some errands and headed to my daughter’s for a Mother-Daughter Day. Taking ownership of my day lasted from the time I woke until 4:30p.m. Ceiri and I had a lovely lunch at Rubiyat.

18/21 Saturday–After a 16-hour over-night shift, ending at 9 a.m. I headed to the Heritage Trail head at Jackson Mine and ran for 44 minutes. Crisp morning with heavy frost and the most beautiful fall colors I’ve seen yet this year. After my run it was on to the farmer’s Market in Marquette: swiss chard, dill, red potatoes, pumpkin, broccoli from Seeds & Spores. Cortland apples, tomatoes, organic horn peppers from Farmer Q’s.


Promises, Catch-up–Making a List


Sometimes the best of plans go awry. And my 21-day Promise did just that. I can blame it on vacation, the trying to catch-up after vacation–and I still have things to unpack–the busy life we all have. The macro above is ground foliage beside the Black River in Gogebic County, Michigan.

The List

10/21 Friday, Day 1 of Vacation– I did not rush or freak ot when we departed alter than expected. I just moved slower and accepted the pace.

11/21 Saturday, Day 2 of Vacation–Thanks to pre-trip planning the lack of a microwave (promised with our room) was no big deal I ate a bowl of Quaker Oat Squares with almonds and Okios yogurt. The slow pace set from yesterday was good training for my feet as rain slowed us further on the trails of the Porcupine Mountains.

12/21 Sunday, Day 3 of Vacation–Sun still not out, Mike and I raise early and expectant and head to Lake of the Clouds with an inner glow. I accepted the spontaneity needed on the rainy trip and flowed as needed.

13/21 Monday, Day 4 of Vacation–It was a secret that we arrived home last night. I claimed this day as mine by not rushing back into my work week. Letting my muscles recover. Not hearing the phone ring off the hook.

14/21 Tuesday and Back-to-Work–I started the day knowing the weight I gained on the trip was temporary and packed a good healthy lunch and snack.

15/21 Wednesday–Started my day with physical therapy, difficult and deep neck adjustments that left me sore for two days. I still planned fitness for later in the day meeting with Olivia for coaching on my running. Ran the inner trails of Presque Isle.

16/21 Thursday–Realizing I could have called this Promise and List Carpe Diem–Seize the Day. But it seems too strong of wording. Today claiming the morning meant sleeping to 7:45 and waking to a beautiful sunrise.

9/21–Preparations & Departures


(This print is available in 4×6, 5×7 and 8×10)

Today was all about what would happen at the end of my work-shift–VACATION! I am taking 4 days. The last time we traveled to the west end of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Mike and I took photos in the Porcupine Mountains. One of those photos is my most often sold item, it has the highest hits to my website, and has become my signature photo, “Mist Woods.”

I went to Balanced Bodies for physical therapy at 7:45 a.m. and had Jeannie Wagner teach me how to “tape” my shoulder with KinseoTape. I also purchased some BioFreeze in a roll on applicator for Mike’s back. I prefer oils of my own making, but this BioFreeze will pack well on the trail.

My hours for the week are submitted. My end of the month paperwork is in. All that is left is to buy ice for the cooler and visit the bank on the way outta town.

The laptop is coming but I do not expect Internet where we’re going. Basically it is coming along (the laptop) just in case my camera’s memory cards become full (I am taking an 8 and 4 gig). So the next, posts on my 21-day Promise will have to be scrolled into a travel journal with ink-pen.

Today, I owned my morning. I prepped. I ate healthy. I was very hopeful.


I struggled on 7/21 of my promise and I cannot say how I took ownership of that day. It took until after 1pm to make it mine (sigh) and the idea was to do so in the morning.  After my morning shift, I headed to Presque Isle and took my camera. The photos appear below.

I did much better taking ownership of today, Day 8 of my 21-day promise.

Quite proud of eating a quick and nutritious breakfast this morning–my shift started at 7:30 a.m. I was done eating before 7 a.m.

Kashi Go Lean Hot
Apple, diced
4 figs, chopped
1/2 cup of 1% milk over the top of cooked cereal

Calories:472 Carbs:102 Fat:4 Protien:15

In between my split-shifts I took a few minutes next to a local lake drinking a non-fat vanilla latte and reading  Three Cups of Tea. More on this book later.