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Feel Me

Flower Feel Me, Garden 2008, photo by Kim nixon

Channeling passions and remaining centered as a creator are often difficult tasks, and this year as I headed into Summer Solstice, I found my own axis too tilted. This correlated on a physical and emotional level, manifesting pain.


The physical is the easiest to address: Sit on an exercise ball while typing and editing; Walk beaches barefoot, especially when light breezes bring summer storms; Pull weeds, plant perennials, stopping of course to run hands through thyme; Tai Chi pond-side with birds singing and bathing: Sit in wet sand as cool breezes blow off Lake Superior causing mist to arise at fingertips. Chiropractic and massage. Cry, laugh, sing and release all that has pent up over the last quarter year.


The emotional, mental, spiritual is the challenge for me. How do I know what I think until I write, or speak, express and quit hiding from my self? The only way I know to stay in balance is to do that which makes me, Kim. Sit at the keys and write. Tell stories.


Yet I push and push, the first sign was that low back pain from hips sidling out of place, the tightness of breath, the lack of power in my legs while hiking. The feeling that those around me do not love, enough. I want to scream at everyone-feel me!It is a cycle that ignored becomes serious illness and miscommunication. I get hyper and cannot settle in at the keyboard or journal I cannot even slow to read poetry. My pain spreads external to others.


There is only one cure, to share my love with me-the one person I hold it back from the most.